Enhanced Health and Safety Practices
We have implemented enhanced procedures to limit the spread of COVID-19 and are in frequent communication with families and staff to provide them with the most up to date information and recommendations by the State of Ohio.
Effective: 3.1.22
Bright Beginnings is practicing pre-pandemic procedures. Masks are optional for teachers, families, and students. We have resumed to normal pre-pandemic ratios and class rotations. We reinstated in-person tours (by appt. only), guest speakers, and field trips.
We no longer require teachers or students to quarantine if exposed. Children and Teachers that test positive are required to isolate for 24 hours after a positive test (no symptoms/mild symptoms) or 24 hours fever free without any fever reducing medication and symptoms are improving.
We ask that anyone who is sick to please stay home to prevent further illness. Practice good hygiene and wash hands in warm soapy water for 20 seconds.